Today Grade 3 played an Internet Safety game. We learned many new things:
Raymond - I learned to keep my full name a secret when online.
Jordaan - Don't use the Internet at home if there is nobody taking care of you.
Sammy - We should have a username for the Internet
Jeremy - Don't type or say bad words online
Kayla - Don't tell ANYONE our password (except Mum or Dad)
Carolyne - You should always write politely online
Moelan - Never meet someone that you have met online in person
Riam - 0:-) means angel
Abby - If our HP has Internet access it can also get a virus
Sammy - If we get a bad comment we should tell our Mum or Dad or our teacher.
Riam - If we get an email that we don't know, we should put it in the SPAM box